Artifacts $50.00 - $100.00 Page

Here are some artifacts for the collectors that are just starting out, want to buy some for someone

else or want a few inexpensive items to add to your collection.


New Shipping Prices:  Small Flat Rate-$11.00.  Med. Flat Rate-$19.00  Lg. Flat Rate-$25.00.

Larger Packages such as Pottery or Stone Items - Minimum $45.00

or More Depending on Weight and Where Shipping to.


If you have any questions you can

call 870-285-3736 or email from the link below

01.     Large Cooking Ball
2000-700B..,  Pottery
G-9,  Measures: 3" x 1 7/8"
Heated in fire for cooking $85.

02.      Square Back Knife
4000-6000 B.C., Montgomery Co., AR.
G-8,  Length-3 7/8",  Width-1 1/2"
Tan Chert                      $65.

03. Jacks Reef Corner Notched      
500-1000AD,  Reelfoot Tenn.
G-8,  Length-1 1/4",  Width-7/8"
Dark Grey Chert              $65.

04.     Agate Basin Point
8200-6500B.C., G-9, W-15/16"
Kerr Co., TX.,   L-2 3/8"
Tan&Grey Chert     $55.

05.            Motley Point
2500-500BC,  East Texas
G-8,  Length-2 5/8",  Width-1 1/2"
Grey Mozarkite            $75.

06.        Stillwell Point
5-7000BC,  Boone Co., MS.
G-9,  L-2  7/16",  W-1 1/2"
Pink/Tan Burlington Flint $85.

07.   San Patrice - Hope Variety
6-8000BC,  Avoyelles Parrish LA.
G-8,  Length-1 7/8",  Width-1"
Yellow Jasper            $95.

08.            Gary Point
1200BC-1000AD,  Clark Co. AR.
G-8,  Length-3 1/8",  Width-1 1/4"
White Novaculite            $65.

09.        Pickwick Point
4000-1500BC,  L-2 15/16"
Humphreys Co., TN.  G-8
W-1 3/8", Brown Dover Chert $75.

10.          Kinney Blade
3000BC-0AD,  Coryell Co., TX.
G-9,  Length-2 1/4",  Width-1 1/8"
Grey Chert                     $75.

11.      Yarbrough Point
500BC-1000AD, Bell Co., TX.
G-9,  Length-2 3/4",  Width-3/4"
White Chert                    $75.

12.         Pickwick Point  
4000-1500BC,  Humphreys Co. TN.
G-8,   Length-2 1/8",  Width-1 1/2"
Grey Chert                   $65.

13.         Uvalde Point
4000-500 B.C.,  Coryell Co., TX.
G-8,  L-2  15/16",  W-1  3/8"
Brown Chert             $95.

14.    (10) Arrowheads
1-5000B.C.,G-9, S.W.AR
Avg.L-2"-3" G-7's,8's & 9's 
Have Several Available $90.

15.          Benton Point
2-4000B.C., Chickasaw Co., MS.
G-9,  L-2  7/16",  W-1 3/8"
Brown Chert           $75.

16.   San Patrice - Keithville
6000 - 8000 B.C., Louisiana
G-9,  Length-1 1/4", Width-7/8"
Gray Chert                  $65.

17.          Ellis Point
2000BC-0AD, Comanche Co.TX.
G-9,  Length-1 7/8",  Width-1 1/8"
Brown Chert                  $65.

18.  Huge Godar Blade
2500-1500BC,  Illinois
G-8, Length-4",  Width-1 1/2"
White Burlington Chert   $85.

19.       Plainview Point
9250-7500BC,  Bell Co., TX.
G-9,  Length-1 5/8",  Width-1"
Black Chert            $65.

20.           Winged Drill
5000-2000BC,  Oklahoma
G-8. Length-2 3/4",  Width-1 1/8"
Tan Chert                 $65.

21.          Axtel Point
5000-1500B.C.,  Hot Spring Co.,AR.
G-8,  Length-2 3/8",  Width-7/8"
Oauchita Quartzite      $75.

22.     Stone Square Stem Point
2000-4000BC,  Stone Co., MO.
G-9,  Length-3 7/8",  Width-1 1/2"
Red/Yellow Chert             $85.

23.       Paleo Uniface Knife
8000-7000BC,  Texas
G-9,  Length-2 5/16,  Width-1 5/8"
Georgetown Chert           $55.

24.      Ledbetter Point
4000-1500BC,  Adams Co., MS.
G-8,  Length-3 5/8",  Width-1 5/16"
Yellow Cfhert              $65.

25.       Dovetail Point
7500-6000BC,  Scott Co., KY.
G-7,  Length-2 1/16", Width-1"
Yellow/Tan Chert         $75.

26.         Meserve Point
7500-2000BC, Haskell Co. OK.
G-8,  Length-1 7/8",  Width-15/16"
Red/Yellow Novaculite      $95.

27.   Adena Narrow Stem Point
1000BC-800AD, Hot Spring Co.,AR.
G-9,  Length-3",  Width-1 1/8"
Brown Chert                $65.

28.        Candy Creek Point
1000BC-500AD,  Madison Co., KY
G-9,  Length-2 5/16",  Width-3/4"
Black/Grey Chert          $70.

29.         Archaic Knife
8000-3000BC,  Texas
G-9,  Length-2 3/4",  Width-1 1/8"
Brown/Black Chert      $55.

30.     Dalton Variant Point
8000-7200BC,  Pike Co., AR.
G-8,  Length-1 13/16",  W-3/4"
Yellow/Red Chert        $65.

31.        Elora Point

4000-1000BC,  N.E. Miss.
G-8,  Length-2 7/16",  Width-1 3/8"
Tan Chert                   $55.

32.         Angostura Point
6800-5500BC,  East Texas
G-8,  Length-2 3/8",  Width-7/8"
Tan Chert                       $75.

33.          Thebes Point
8000-6000BC,  Boone Co., KY.
G-8, Length-2 3/8",  Width-1 1/8"
Tan Chert                   $75.

34.       Perdiz Bird Point
1000-1500AD,  East Texas
G-9,  Length-1",  Width-1/2"
Grey Chert                  $65.

35.  Rice Lobbed Point/Spoleshave
7000-3000BC,  Logan Co., AR.
G-9,  Length-2 15/16",  Width-1 1/4"
Tan Chert                   $65.

36.          Paleo Knife
8000-6000BC,  Missouri
G-9,  Length-3",  Width-1 1/4"
Black Chert                 $75

37.    Hickory Ridge Point
5000-2000BC,  Hempstead Co. AR.
G-8,  Length-2 9/16",  Width-1 1/4"
Yellow Chert               $65.

38.           Hardin Point
7000-3000BC,  Missouri
G-9,  Length-2 3/8",  Width-1 5/8"
White Chert                 $55.

39.        Rice Lobbed Point
7000-3000BC,  Fayette Co., OH.
G-9,  Length-1 7/8",  Width-1 1/4"
Black Chert                   $65.

40.        Calcasieu Point
2500-500BC,  Oklahoma
G-8,  Length-1 5/8",  Width-1 3/8"
Tan Chert                $65.

41.     Hickory Ridge Point
5000-2000BC, Howard Co., AR.
G-8,  Length-2 3/4",  Width-1 1/4"
Pink/Tan Chert                   $95.

42.        Plainview Point
9250-7500BC,  Pike Co., AR.
G-8,  Length-1 1/8",  Width-13/16"
White Novaculite          $65.

43.            Gary Point    
1200BC-1000AD,  Montgomery Co.
AR.  G-8,  L-3 1/16",  W-1 7/16"
Pink Novaculite              $95.

44.          Maud Bird Point
1200-1500AD,  Little River Co., AR.
G-9,  Length-15/16",  Width-1/2"
Brown Novaculite           $65.

45.            Gary Point
1200BC-1000AD,  Hot Spring Co.
Arkansas,  G-8,  Length-2 7/8"
Width-1 3/4", Tan Chert  $100.

46.    Dalton-Hempstead Point
8000-7200BC,  Pike Co., AR.
G-8,  Length-2 1/8",  Width-7/8"
Black Chert                     $85.

47.         Fairland Point
1000-500BC,  East Texas
G-9,  Length-2",  Width-1 1/4"
Yellow Chert                  $85.

48.     Howard County Point
5500-4500BC,  St.Louis Co., MO.
G-9,  Length-1 7/8",  Width-7/8"
White Chert                   $75.

49.   Early Stemmed Lanceolate
7000-5000BC,  Bell Co., TX.
G-9,  Length-2 1/4",  Width-1 1/16"
Grey Chert                $70.

50.  Humboldt-Constricted Point
5000-3000 BC,  Oregon
G-8,  Length-1 7/8",  Width- 5/8"
Black Obsidian           $85.

51.      Dalton-Hemphill Point
8000-7200BC,  Hot Spring Co., AR.
G-9,  Length-2 1/4",  Width-1 1/8"
Quachita Quartzite         $80.

52.            Gary Point
1200BC-1000AD,  Pike Co., AR.
G-9,  Length-2 5/8",  Width-1 11/16"
White/Red Novaculite     $65.

53.       Big Creek Point
1500-500BC,  Saline Co., AR.
G-8,  Length-2 1/4",  Width-1 5/16"
Tan Chert                        $65.

54.        Kinney Point
3000BC-0AD,  Coryell Co., Tx.
G-8,  Length-1 7/8",  Width-1"
Tan Chert                       $65.

55.      Brewerton Eared Point
4000-2000BC,  Cross Co., AR.
G-9,  Length-1 3/4",  Width-13/16"
Black Pitkin Chert           $65.

56.    Dalton-Hempstead Point     
8000-7200BC,  S.W. Arkansas
G-8,  Length-2 3/8",  Width-7/8"
Brown Chert                   $95.

57.           Little River Point
3000-1000BC,  Miller Co., AR.
G-9,  Length-3",  Width-1 5/8"
Grey Novaculite               $75.

58.       Boggy Branch Point
7000-5000BC,   Jefferson Co., MS.
G-8,  Length-2 1/4",  Width-1"
Tallahatta Quartzite          $75.

59.         Calf Creek Point   
6000-3000BC,  Montgomery Co., AR.
G-9,  Length-2 1/4",  Width-1 1/2"
White/Pink Novaculite      $75.

60.  Adena-Narrow Stem Point
1000BC-800AD, Madison Co. KY.
G-9,  Length-3",  Width-1 1/8"
Yellow Chert                 $70.

61.          Alba Bird Point
800-1200AD,  Clark Co., AR.
G-8,  Length-1 1/8",  Width-5/8"
White Novaculite              $60.

62.          Gary Point
1000BC-800AD,  Miller Co., AR.
G-8,  Length-1 3/8",   Width-5/8"
Brown Novaculite             $60.

63.              Wade Point
2500-500 B.C.,  Jackson Co., AL.
G-9,  Length-2 5/8",  Width-1 13/16"
Tan Chert                        $60.

64.     Scallorn Bird Point
1000BC-800AD,  Miller Co., AR.
G-8,  Length-1 3/8",  Width-5/8"
Brown Novaculite           $60.

65.         Hardaway Point
7500-6000BC,  Humphreys Co. TN.
G-8,  Length-1 9/16", Width-1 1/8"
Grey Chert                  $75.

66.            Dunn Point
1200BC-600AD,  Howard Co., AR.
G-8,  Length-2 3/8",  Width-1 5/8"
Grey Novaculite                  $70.

67.       Alba Bird Point
800-1200AD,  Pike Co., AR.
G-8,  Length-1 9/16",  Width-9/16"
White Novaculite              SOLD

68.         Searcy Point
5000-3000BC,  Arkansas
G-8,  Length-2 3/4",  Width-1 1/4"
Tan Chert                        $80.

69.            Searcy Point
5000-3000BC,  Searcy Co., AR.
G-9,  Length-2 3/8",  Width-1 3/16"
Grey Novaculite              $85.

70.     Bonham Bird Point
800-1400AD,  Clark Co., AR.
G-8,  L-1 1/4",  W-9/16"
Grey Novaculite               $60.

71.      Meadowood Point     
2000BC-0AD,  Fulton Co., KY.
G-8,  Length-2 7/8",  Width-1 3/16"
Tan Jasper              $70.

72.         Dickson Point
500BC-400AD,  Pike Co., AR.
G-7,  Length-3 1/16",  Width-1 1/2"
White Chert                  $60.

73.        Bonham Bird Point
800-1400AD,  Bossier Parrish LA.
G-8,  Length-1 3/16",  Width-5/8"
Brown Novaculite             $65.

74.        Fresno Bird Point
800-1550A.D., Lavaca Co., TX.
G-9,  Length-1 3/16",  Width-5/8"
Pink/Brown Novaculitye   $65.

75.       Alba Bird Point
800-1200AD,  Pike Co., AR.
G-9,  Length-1  1/16",  Width-1/2"
Red Jasper                   $70.

76.         Moran Bird Point
800-1400AD,  East Texas
G-8,  Length-1",  Width-1/2"
White Novaculite              $65.

77.       Alba Bird Point
800-1200 AD,  Pike Co., AR.
G-8,  Length-1",   Width-1/2"
White Novaculite         SOLD

78.          Cuney Bird Point
1600-1800AD,  Miller Co., AR.
G-8,  Length-1 1/2",  Width-11/16"
White Novaculite              $65.

79.          Hopewell Point
500BC-500AD,  Kentucky
G-7,  Length-2 1/8",  Width-1 1/4"
White Sugar Quartz        $65.

80.     Madison Bird Point
900-1800AD,  Tennessee
G-9,  Lenght-1 7/8",  Width-5/8
Brown Chert                  $75.

81.            Wade Point
2500-500BC,  Cross Co., AR.
G-8,  Length-2 1/4",  Width-1 1/2"
Pink Novaculite               $65.

82.      Pontchartrain 2 Point
1400BC-0AD,  Louisiana
G-9,  Length-2 7/8",  Width-1 1/4"
Black/Tan Novaculite         $75.

83.        Livermore Bird Point
800-1200AD,  Little River Co., AR.
G-9,  Length-1 1/8",  Width-9/16"
White Novaculite                $75.

84.        Alba Bird Point
800-1200AD,  Clark Co., AR.
G-9,  Length-1 1/8",  Width-1 1/16"
Grey Novaculite       SOLD

85.       Sequoyah Bird Point
1000-1400AD,  East Oklahoma
G-9,  Length-7/8",  Width-1/2"
White Novaculite           $55.

86.          Alba Bird Point
800-1200AD,  Pike Co., AR.
G-8,  Length-3/4",  Width-3/8"
White Novaculite             $65.

87.      Scallorn Bird Point
800-1200AD,  Pike Co., AR.
G-9,  Length-15/16",  Width-1/2"
White Novaculite             $55.

88.      Scallorn Bird Point
800-1200AD,  Clark Co., AR.
G-8,  Length-13/16",  Width-9/16"
White Novaculite                $55.

89.               Gary Point
1200BC-1000AD,  Pike Co., AR.
G-9,  Length-2 15/16",  Width-1 3/8"
White Novaculite                $65.

90.            Lange Point
4000BC-1000AD, Comanche Co. TX.
G-8,  Length-2 3/8",  Width-1 1/2"
Brown Chert                    $70.

91.          Plainview Point
9250-7500BC,  West Texas
G-9,  Length-1  11/16",  Width-3/4"
Black/Grey Chert              $55.

92.       Fresno Bird Point
800-1650AD,  Oklahoma
G-9,  Length-1 3/8",  Width-11/16"
Grey Chert                       $65.

93.          Palmillas Point  
4000-1000BC,  Comanche Co., TX.
G-8,  Length-3",  Width-1 5/8"
Dark Brown Chert           $90.

94.    Brewerton Eared Point  
4000-2000B.C.,  S.W. Arkansas
G-9,  Length-1 5/8",  Width-1 1/8"
Orange Chert, Quartz Inclusion SOLD

95.      Lerma Rounded Base Blade
7000-6000BC,  Bell Co., TX.
G-9,  Length-3 1/8",  Width-1 1/4"
Tan Chert                        $60.

96.      Williams Point
4000BC-1000AD,  Clark Co., AR.
G-7,  Length-2 3/4",  Width-1 3/4"
Red Spider Web Novaculite $85.

97.        Alba Bird Point     
800-1200A.D.,  Pike Co., Arkansas
G-9,  Length-1 1/4",  Width-5/8"
Pink Novaculite            $85.

98.         Big Sandy Point
8000-1000BC,  Coryell Co., TX.
G-9,  Lenght-2",   Width-1"
Grey Chert                       $65.

99.         Hayes Bird Point
800-1200A.D.,  Little River Co., AR.

G-9,  Length-5/8",  Width-1/2"

Yellow Jasper                SOLD

100.   Rockwall Bird Point
800-1200AD, Pike Co., AR.
G-9,  Length-7/8", Width-7/16"
Grey Novaculite          $65.

101.       Alba Bird Point
800-1200A.D.,  Pike Co., AR.
G-9,  Length-7/8",  Width-7/16"
Brown Novaculite             $55.

102.            Wells Point
6000-3000B.C.,  Bell Co., TX.
G-8,  Length-2 7/16".  Width-1 1/8"
Grey Chert              SOLD

103.       Cosotat River Point
7500-6000 B.C., Pike Co., AR.

G-9,  Length-2 3/16", Width-1 3/16"

Pink Novaculite                $75.

104.     Hamilton Stemmed Point
2000BC-1000AD, Greenup Co.,KY.
G-8,  Length-2 5/8",  Width-1 1/4"
Banded Chert                  $65.



