#01. The Dictionary of "Native American Terminology". By: Carl
Waldman. A valuable reference for those interested in Native
American Studies, and for anyone interested in the facsination liguistic
heritage of Native Americans. Topics include: Arts & Crafts, Food &
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HB. $9.95
"Pueblo Bonito" A written guide to the tour of Pueblo Bonito,
a famous city in " Chaco Canyon" in Northwest New Mexico. Highlights
the interesting points and places of the city.
#03. "Squaw Peak Parkway Archaeology". Published by the City
of Phoenix Pueblo Grande Museum. This book covers the archaeology of
the Hohokam Native Americans that lived in the Pheonix area before the
city was built. The Archaeology was done before the Squaw Peak
Parkway was built. Published in 1986.
Smithsonian Institution Bureau of American Ethnology "Archeological
Investigations at the Site of Fort Stevenson (32ML2) Garrison Reservoir,
North Dakota. By: Hubert Smith. River Basin Surveys Papers,
No.19, From the Bureau of American Ethnology Bulletin 176 pp.
#05. "The Muncy Indians" A Chronological
History. A Bicentennial Sesquicentennial Issue. By: Gary
L. Fogelman. A Chronological history of Indian occupation of the
Muncy Area. The Goal is to put before the people of Muncy a composite
view of the many cultures that inhabited this land thousands of years
before the coming of the white man.
SB. $12.00
#06. "Hovering
Over Baja" By: Erle Stanley Gardner. Published in 1961. A
written account of the travels ofErle Stanley Gardner and his explorations
of the Baja Pennensila in California.
HB. $9.95
#07. The
International Journal of "Nautical Archaeology" and Underwater
Exploration. Published for the Council for Nautical Archaeology
by Academic Press London NewYork San Francisco. Volume 5, No.2, May
Issue covers ship wrecks in the Mediteranian Sea.
#08. The International
Journal of "Nautical Archaeology" and Underwater Exploration. Published
for the Council for Nautical Archaeology by Academic Press London NewYork
San Francisco. Volume 5, No.3, Aug. 1976.
Issue covers "The Dartmouth" a British frigate wreched off Mull in 1690.
#09. An Original Copy, printed in 1978. ANCIENT
William H. Holmes. Full of information and illustrations of
Mississippian Pottery. A nice small book with lots of information, sketches and drawings of pottery. 196 pages.
SB. $10.00 |
#10. The
International Journal of "Nautical Archaeology" and Underwater
Exploration. Published for the Council for Nautical Archaeology
by Academic Press London NewYork San Francisco. Volume 5, No.
1, Feb. 1976.
issue covers the Identification of timbers from old ships of north-western
European orgin.
#11. The
International Journal of "Nautical Archaeology" and Underwater
Exploration. Published for the Council for Nautical Archaeology
by Academic Press London NewYork San Francisco. Volume 6, No.4, Nov. 1977.
issue covers "Durable materials for sea water: the archaeological
#12. The
International Journal of "Nautical Archaeology" and Underwater
Exploration. Published for the Council for Nautical Archaeology
by Academic Press London NewYork San Francisco. Volume 5, No.
4, Nov. 1976. This issue coversExperimental archaeology and
SB. $4.95 |
#13. The
International Journal of "Nautical Archaeology" and Underwater
Exploration. Published for the Council for Nautical Archaeology
by Academic Press London NewYork San Francisco. Volume 6, No.3, Aug. 1977.
issue covers Ancient square rigging, with and without lifts.
#14. "Indian & Eskimo Artifacts of
North America"
By: Charles Miles, With a Foreword by Frederick J. Dockstader.
A pictorial guide with explanatory captions. Photographs of over 2
thousand examples of the major kinds of North American native-made and
-used artifacts. Tools, weapons, pottery, basketry, clothing,
boats and ceremonial regalia are shown. It is a book which contains many
examples never before published.
The International Journal of
"Nautical Archaeology" and Underwater Exploration. Published for
the Council for Nautical Archaeology by Academic Press London NewYork San
Francisco. This issure covers Maritime archaeology and salvage laws. Some
comments following Robinson v. The Western Australian Museum.
#16. The International Journal
of "Nautical Archaeology" and Underwater Exploration. Published
for the Council for Nautical Archaeology by Academic Press London NewYork
San Francisco. This issue covers The mystery of the Graeco-Roman
The International Journal of
"Nautical Archaeology" and Underwater Exploration. Published for
the Council for Nautical Archaeology by Academic Press London New York San
Francisco. This issue covers "The flat-bottomed boat from Druten,

The International Journal of "Nautical
Archaeology" and Underwater Exploration. Published for the
Council for Nautical Archaeology by Academic Press London New York San
Francisco. This issue covers "Some thoughts on salvage law and historic
#19. The
International Journal of "Nautical Archaeology" and Underwater
Exploration. Published for the Council for Nautical Archaeology
by Academic Press London New York San Francisco. This issue covers
Mediterranean hull types compared 2. Wreck F from Cape Dramont (Var),
The International Journal of
"Nautical Archaeology" and Underwater Exploration. Published for
the Council for Nautical Archaeology by Academic Press London New York San
Francisco. This issue covers Preliminary report on recording methods
used for the investigation of merchant shipwrecks at Jutholmen and
Alvsnabben in 1973-74.
"Arrowheads of the Central Great Plains" By: Daniel
J. Fox. Copywright 2003. This book covers arrow points
found in the Central Great Plains Region of the United States. It
covers the Anatomy of a Point. It is filled with information
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of surface hunting on rivers and streams. A very good starter book
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By: The Editors of American Heritage, The Magazine of History. Copyright
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all areas of North America. It is loaded with many pictures and
information on places lived, what they lived in and many of their
customs and Religious Beliefs. It would make a fantastic addition
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Robrt N. Converse. A Special Publication of The Archaeological
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in the Ohio Valley and surrounding areas. Discusses the possible ties to
later cultures of the Adena and Hopewell. 159 pages. Has dust jacket
HB. $45.00
#42. "The American Heritage Book of Indians" By The Editors
of American Heritage-The Magazine of History. Introduction By:
John F. Kennedy, President of the United States. Chapters include:
People of the Dawn, Feathered Gods and Priests, Empires of the
Sun, People of Peace, King of the World, War in the Rorest, The Anvil of
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